Welcome to Disc Dog U! We are building a community for Disc Doggers from around the world. Whether you are just discovering the sport, or have battle scars from back vaults from days gone by - if you are a Disc Dogger - this is your joint! Sign up for our FREE ebook - jump into one of our online courses - find a club near you - or check out the free training videos - and grab a cool DDU shirt while you're here!

Accelerate your Disc Dog education with our online courses!

If you want to have a great Freestyle routine – learn some new throws! World Champ Matt Bilderback teaches you Essential Grips and Releases in his new course! Learn over 50 different throws – Become a better thrower by understanding snap, spin, and angles of release!

Want to Throw Farther? – Whether you can throw 20 yards or 80 yards – male or female – young or old – 13 time World Record holder and 14 time World Champ Rob McLeod will teach you better throwing mechanics and you will see an increase in your distance!

World Champ Andrea Morrissette’s new course Freestyle Skills and Routine Building is packed with amazing techniques and strategies that will take your Freestyle to the next level and help you build your own Disc Dog routine!

Tracy Custer has been training Disc Dogs for over 20 years and has discovered the best solutions for tons of problems, like Pre-Jumping, Slow Retrieve, Poor Hand-Offs, Tracking, Jumping, Focus and so much more all laid out in easy to follow detail in this course! 

35 Years and 13 World Championships worth of knowledge! Chuck Middleton puts together a complete breakdown of his methods and moves. Here is your chance to train with one of the best ever! 

If you want to play Disc with your dog, or maybe you are on your way but need some help with throwing skills, building drive, or new puppy skills, check out our #1 Online beginner’s course.

Want to SCORE BETTER at Toss and Fetch? – Learn to throw better, and improve your Toss and Fetch. Over 3 hours of video lessons, graphics, charts and animations, 75 pages of pdf material, plus a section on training your dog!

Disc Dog Tips

FREE Disc Dog Tips ebook!

This 22 page ebook is full of Tips, Insights and fun Conversations. Good advice for both beginner and seasoned players. Just enter your email below and you’ll receive an email with a download link for the Free book!

Why Disc Dog?

The sport of Disc Dog is growing at an amazing rate – but what makes it so addictive?

Great way to connect with your dog

“Disc Dogging is the coolest community and dog sport. I have lots of conversations with people about dogs with too much energy that need an outlet. It’s super cool to see them come out and try disc and build a great partnership with that dog having come from wanting to rehome them or feeling lost.”        – Andrea Rigler

Great way to connect with other humans

Disc Doggers are: A.) Dog people and B.) Frisbee people. This makes them a pretty cool bunch of humans! Great friendships and bonds are not only made with our dogs, but also with other Disc Doggers. 

The Challenge and Competition

We humans love to strive to improve. The challenge of training your dog, of improving your throws, and coming together as a team is great motivation. The competition side of Disc Dogging is also a driving force, whether you are competing against others or just competing to achieve your personal best for you and your best friend!